EriC^^: It does look like I do have permissions
samizdat: ok, cool, type sudo chown -R samizdat /home/samizdat
im looking for some good wallpaper for my new pc
EriC^^, Thanks, I need to move this stuff out of the way, but this is a new OS on a new install.
Casper_, i'll go for the Gnome one
EriC^^: Done.
wileee: i just came in, is everything working ok?
samizdat: ok, type nano /etc/apt/sources.list
EriC^^: nano? That's an editor?
samizdat: yeah
EriC^^, Life is good, well looking forward to samba and a windows domain.
why was it brought to me?
EriC^^: Okay, I just did nano /etc/apt/sources.list, and it's blank
wileee: yeah, if you set it up right, samba shouldn't cause too many problems, let me see if i can help
samizdat: ok
EriC^^, Thx, feel free to yell at me on it ;^)
sorry i was going to type here
EriC^^: Okay, now what?
samizdat: enter
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