The MODE control is the most powerful Supermassive control, as the different algorithms have very different attack, sustain, and decay characteristics. For more details, head to the ValhallaSupermassive Modes blog post. Supermassive uses a variety of feedback delay networks, where each delay in the structure can be up to 2 seconds long. Combine these long delays with the unique WARP control, and the results range from echoes that slowly fade in, to cascading harmonic echoes, to lush reverbs, onwards to reverbs that decay way over the course of minutes.
A reverb/echo algorithm that has a fast attack and initially sparse echo density, but can build up into massively dense and long reverbs. The Density control is very sensitive on Cassiopeia, and can be used to create lush reverbs by itself. Setting Warp to 0% will result in a repeating echo pattern every 4th beat, which is useful for rhythmic delays and looping.
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The larger version of the Cassiopeia algorithm. A reverb/echo that has a fast attack and initially sparse echo density, but can build up into massively dense and long reverbs. The Density control is very sensitive on Orion, and can be used to create lush reverbs by itself with a very long decay. Setting Warp to 0% will result in a repeating echo pattern every 8th beat, which is useful for rhythmic delays and looping. Strange resonances can be audible at some settings.
The lushest and most useable reverb yet in Supermassive. Medium attack, medium to long decays, and smooth balanced modulation. The High EQ and Low EQ filters are in the feedback paths of each delay, which allows for natural damping of the reverb decay, as well as shaving off the low frequencies for a less "boomy" decay. Perfect for synth reverbs, ethereal vocals, and just about everything.
Controls the wet/dry mix of Supermassive. 0% is a completely dry signal, 100% is only the reverb/delay signal, and values in between mix in different amounts of the reverb signal. Click on the MIX label above the control to lock/unlock the MIX control at the last value selected. This is useful when browsing through presets, or for using Supermassive on a send (when you want it set to 100% wet).
Controls the width of the reverb/delay output of Supermassive. 100% is maximum width, 0% is mono, and values less than 0% will reverse the left and right outputs. Some of the Supermassive sounds will spin around your head from left to right; setting WIDTH to -100% will reverse this direction.
Introducing ValhallaSupermassiveValhallaSupermassive: The ControlsValhallaSupermassive: The ModesThe Philosophy Of ValhallaSupermassiveWhy Is Supermassive Free?ValhallaSupermassive Updated to 1.1.1ValhallaSupermassive Updated to 1.5.0: Cassiopeia and Orion ModesValhallaSupermassive 1.2.0 Update: Cirrus Major and Cirrus Minor ValhallaSupermassive 2.0.0 Update: Aquarius and Pisces Modes
The Massive VST plugin is a popular virtual-analog synthesizer plugin for music producers, sound designers, and musicians in the music industry. But the Massive VST plugin can be expensive for some beatmakers since it is currently $149.We have compiled a list of some popular free NI Massive plugin alternatives that offer similar synth sounds and hundreds of software presets if you do not have the money to buy the Komplete synth plugin from Native Instruments.Best Free Massive VST Plugin AlternativesRelated: 100 Best Synth VST PluginsFree Massive VST Plugin AlternativesWe have included free NI Massive alternatives that work for Windows and Mac.TyrellN6DexedTunefish V4Mono FuryFree AlphaTAL-NoiseMakerHelmVitalOdin 2Surge XTSynth1OB-XdZebraletteSuperwave P8Sonigen ModularInstructions: Click the links below to visit each free Massive VST alternative. Look around each website for the download link or button. Do not install any suspicious software.
The step sequencer of Helm is also very powerful. It comes with lots of modulation sources, including polyphonic aftertouch. Another great thing about this plugin is that it has a simple arpeggiator.If you are looking for a Massive alternative, Helm should be on your list. It is sure to help you create the perfect sound for your music. No need to search the web for a Massive VST crack with powerful free synth plugins like this.Cross-platform supportLive presentation with a powerful modulation system15 oscillators per voice with dual cross-modulation12 different waveforms are available7 types of filters with key tracking2 monophonic and 1 polyphonic LFOStep sequencerSimple arpeggiatorHelm PC / Mac / LinuxHelm Preview8. VitalVitalVital is a spectral warp plugin that gives room to imagination and creativity. The wavetable oscillators with frequency warping and the wave warp efficiently deal with the sounds.
Sonigen Modular gives you the flexibility to create any sound you can imagine. With high-quality sound and efficient CPU usage, it is perfect for any musician. The intuitive user interface makes it easy to create and modify sounds.Additionally, you can add as many modules and patch cables as you want, and the layout is mostly automatic. Besides, the modular voice and output effect processing are cleanly integrated into one window, and everything is processed at the full sample rate.It is one of the best Massive VST plugin alternatives for anyone looking for a powerful and flexible modular synth. So be sure to check it out; it will become a go-to tool in your sound design arsenal.
The latest instalment of the exclusive Plug-in Collective community giveaway is MASSIVE from Native Instruments and Ozone Elements from Izotope. Normally sold for $149.00 and $129.99, respectively, these plugins are free to download for Plug-in Collective members from 6th October to 12th January (4 pm GMT). In addition, access the three-month free trial of KOMPLETE NOW, usually sold for $9.99 per month.
Effortlessly get your mixes radio and streaming ready with Ozone Elements. Building on a two-decade history of best-in-class processing, Ozone Elements has the essential tools and assistive technology you need to quickly achieve a full, rich, and loud final master. Balance your audio in stereo with an improved Imager and quickly create a custom preset with Master Assistant, which listens to your audio and makes suggestions for loudness and tone.
Plug-in Collective members can download MASSIVE from Native Instruments and Ozone Elements from Izotope free from their Focusrite account from 6th October to 12th January (4 pm GMT). Access the three-month free trial of KOMPLETE NOW to add a wide range of synths, sounds, and effects to your tracks.
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