The team at Compassionate Care Veterinary Clinic provides competent, compassionate and efficient service to its customers. From vet care to boarding services, this team really goes above & beyond. I would highly recommend the services of Dr. Keller and the staff!
National competent authorities can ask EMA for an opinion on how to administer, distribute and use certain medicines for compassionate use. The CHMP also identifies which patients would benefit, and Member States should take note of these recommendations when making decisions.
Manufacturers and marketing-authorisation applicants should not contact EMA to request an opinion, but they may wish to inform the Agency of applications underway at national level. National competent authorities will inform the Agency if they are making a product available to a group of patients for compassionate use.
In general, medicines that are not yet authorised are first made available through clinical trials and patients should always be considered for inclusion in trials before being offered compassionate use programmes.
EMA does not update its recommendations after a medicine receives marketing authorisation, as all relevant information on the medicine's use is available in its European public assessment report (EPAR). However, compassionate use programmes may continue in certain Member States until the medicine becomes available on the market.
The word compassion is sometimes used interchangeably with sympathy, and compassionate is sometimes used to mean sympathetic, which most most commonly means sharing emotions with someone else, especially sadness. These words are all used in the context of feeling sorry for people who are in negative situations. But being compassionate is often understood as having a feeling that motivates you to help them.
The word compassionate can also be used in a more specific way to mean granted in circumstances that call for compassion. The word is used this way in the phrase compassionate leave, which refers to permission to be absent, such as from military duty, due to a death or illness in the family or other personal reasons.
Fact Sheet: Compassionate Conservatism Compassionate Conservatism"I call my philosophy and approach compassionate conservatism. Itis compassionate to actively help our fellow citizens in need. It is conservative to insist on responsibility and results. And withthis hopeful approach, we will make a real difference in people's lives."President George W. BushPresidential Action President Bush today in California will outline his governingphilosophy of compassionate conservatism. The President will define intheory and practice what it means to be a compassionate conservativeand how this vision guides his Administration.In his Inaugural Address, the President called on Americans tobecome citizens, not spectators. Since that time the President hasused compassionate conservatism as his governing philosophy as theAdministration has moved to tackle some of society's toughestassignments, such as educating our children, fighting poverty at home,and helping poor countries around the globe.It is compassionate to actively help our citizens in need. Itis conservative to insist on accountability and results. This approachof hope and optimism will make a real difference in people's lives.The President rejects the old argument of "big government" vs."indifferent government." Government should be focused, effective andclose to the people -- a government that does a few things, and doesthem well. We are using an active government to promoteself-government.The truest kind of compassion doesn't only come from moregovernment spending, but from helping citizens build lives of theirown. The aim of this philosophy is not to spend less money, or to spendmore money, but to spend only on what works. Compassionate ConservatismThe President rejects the old argument of "big government" vs."indifferent government."Government should be focused, effective and close to the people-- a government that does a few things, and does them well.Government cannot solve every problem, but it can encouragepeople and communities to help themselves and one another. The truestkind of compassion is to help citizens build better lives of theirown.We do not believe in a sink-or-swim society. The policies ofour government must heed the universal call of all faiths to love ourneighbors as we would want to be loved ourselves. We are using anactive government to promote self-government.It is compassionate to actively help our citizens in need. Itis conservative to insist on accountability and results.The President believes the truest kind of compassion doesn'tonly come from more government spending, but from helping citizensbuild lives of their own. The aim of this philosophy is not to spendless money, or to spend more money, but to spend only on what works.The measure of compassion is more than good intentions -- it is goodresults. Sympathy is not enough -- we need solutions.The President's vision of compassionate conservatism effectivelytackles some of society's toughest assignments -- educating ourchildren, fighting poverty at home and aiding poor countries around theworld.Educating our Children. Compassionate conservatism places greathope and confidence in public education. Public schools are America'sgreat hope, and making them work for every child is America's greatduty. The President's new education reform is compassionate because itrequires schools to meet new, high standards of performance in readingand math. The new reforms also give local schools and teachers thefreedom, resources and training to meet their needs. It isconservative to let local communities chart their own path toexcellence. It is compassionate to make sure that no child is leftbehind.Fighting Poverty at Home. Compassionate conservatism offers anew vision for fighting poverty in America. For many Americans,welfare once was a static and destructive way of life. In 1996 welfarewas reformed to include work and time limits and since that timeAmerica's welfare rolls have been cut by more than half. Moreimportantly, many lives have been drastically improved. Millions ofAmericans once on welfare are finding that a job is more than a sourceof income -- it is also a source of dignity. By encouraging work, wepractice compassion.Government should promote the work of charities, communitygroups and faith-based institutions. Government should view Americanswho work in faith-based charities as partners, not as rivals. When itcomes to providing resources the government should not discriminateagainst these groups that often inspire life-changing faith in a waythat government never should.Helping Poor Countries Around the World. Nearly half of theworld's people live on less than two dollars a day. When we help themwe show our compassion, our values, and our belief in universal humandignity. Yet the old way of pouring vast amounts of money intodevelopment aid without any concern for results has failed -- oftenleaving behind more misery, poverty and corruption.America is offering a new compact for global development.Greater aid contributions from America must be linked to greaterresponsibility from developing nations. The President has proposed a50% increase in core development assistance over the next three budgetyears to be placed in a new Millennium Challenge Account -- money thatcan only be spent on nations that root out corruption, open theirmarkets, respect human rights, and adhere to the rule of law.It is compassionate to increase our international aid. It isconservative to require the hard reforms that lead to prosperity andindependence.###
This case series describes the clinical resolution of systemic symptoms and lesions, along with any adverse events, in patients with monkeypox infection who were treated with tecovirimat on a compassionate use basis.
Compassionate Care Animal Hospital (CCAH) provides high quality, compassionate veterinary care using Fear Free methods. AAHA Accredited, full service, animal hospital located in Ann Arbor, Michigan where YOUR PETS ARE OUR PRIORITY!
Applying for compassionate release is a lengthy and cumbersome process. Given that those who apply are almost always terminally ill or profoundly incapacitated, the arbitrary nature of this process means many die before their cases are resolved.1
The compassionate release process is frustratingly obscure not only for applicants, but for reporters, advocates, and others trying to understand the system. In their national survey, FAMM found that only three states are required to publish data on compassionate release grants, and eight other states publish some publicly available data, leaving most Americans in the dark about how often compassionate release is actually used. And despite that fact that FAMM has helpful memos for all fifty states and the District of Columbia detailing eligibility requirements for compassionate release, the application and referral process, the necessary documentation and assessments, and the decision-making criteria, the application process remains an arduous one.
For general inquiries, or if you would like to receive CUPA's monthly updates and occasional emails about compassionate use and preapproval access, please contact John Massarelli, program coordinator, at
There are very limited circumstances when you can access your superannuation early. You may be allowed to withdraw some of your super on compassionate grounds for unpaid expenses. This is where you have no other means of paying for these expenses. 2ff7e9595c